2/1: Houses

February 1, 2008 at 2:23 am (Uncategorized)

villa.jpgsandeehouse.jpgmandyhouse.jpgaudreyhouse.jpgkathy.jpgclaudilue.jpgFirst off let me just RAVE about how awesome all the entries were last week for the Open Theme! WOW!! You all totally outdid yourselves! Awesome stuff!

This week the theme is “Houses”

Create a 4×4 with the above theme and comment to this post with the link to your blog, flickr, or photo hosting site.

Have fun!


  1. Sandy said,

  2. Andrea said,

  3. Christine said,

    My entry is on my blog, thanks for looking.

  4. Audrey Meijs said,

  5. kreativgeschwafel said,

    here comes my entry:

    4×4 Friday – Houses

    thanks for looking!

  6. kathy said,

  7. claudilue said,

  8. Lisa said,

    Dammit! I knew I should’ve ordered those houses from Invoke Arts, you’re just trying to MAKE me order them aren’t you??? In the meantime, here’s what I did, I had to improvise though, LOL http://anotefromthequeen.blogspot.com/2008/02/house-4×4.html

  9. Klaartje said,


    Here’s my first entry for this challenge!


  10. mar1ene said,

    Love the theme and came in really handy!! lol

    Here is mine:

  11. Lisa said,

    Perfect theme for me this week!

    Here’s mine:


  12. sandee hyde said,

  13. Kelly said,

  14. Rosie said,

    Here’s my houses 4×4! Very challenging …

    Houses – doodled 4×4

  15. Casey said,

  16. 4×4 Friday Houses Challenge said,

    […] out, so I just made a kind of mini journal page. There are some lovely, artistic responses to the 4×4 houses challenge, so be sure to check it out. Tags: 4×4 friday, art challenge, house artShare This Related […]

  17. Katelyn said,

    Mine is more of a mini journal page. I love the theme, but I’ve been working non-stop all week and haven’t had time for major art.

  18. ~*~ Patty said,

    This one had me thinking, here’s my house:

    4×4 Friday

  19. ~*~ Patty said,

    nice 4×4, love your quote!

  20. citykitten said,

  21. Anne said,

    Here’s my house! Thanks for the great challenge! ;o)

  22. Eija said,

    Hello! here is my card.

  23. rubita said,

    Here’s my entry!

  24. Heather Robinson said,

  25. Nellie said,

  26. Silvia said,

  27. Ros said,

  28. Pandora's Artbox said,

  29. Cynthia (Rainbow Lady) said,

    Here is my house in the woods.
    Thanks for the challenge and for looking
    Love Cynthia x


  30. Cynthia (Rainbow Lady) said,

    I was on a roll so did another one for you.
    Thanks again
    Love Cynthia x

  31. Pat said,

  32. Robyn Phelan Sharp said,

    Loved the challenge…

    Here is my entry…


  33. annikki said,

    Here is my love-bird’s house.

  34. Anita said,

  35. ORsolya said,

  36. Barbara Hagerty said,

  37. Gayle Page-Robak said,

    It has been busy at my house…sorry I am late in getting this done!


  38. Linda B said,

  39. livia said,

    Here is my submission for the challenge;

  40. filetta said,

    This ‘s my house ! thank for your comment !


  41. SaLi said,

  42. Maryanne said,

    Oh… what fun. I love the 4×4 concept and I love houses.

  43. Maryanne said,

    Oh how special is this. Check my 4×4 out also

  44. filetta said,

  45. Cucu- said,

  46. Denise said,

    Hi there! Mine is on my blog. I’m having trouble attaching my blog url to this comment forum. What’s the trick? Thanks for looking….

  47. Denise said,

    Forgot to link my name to here. Sorry!

  48. Mandy said,

  49. Patricia said,

    I am hopelessly hooked on these tiny pieces of art. Here is my version of the theme this week, houses. Thanks to everyone who leaves comments on my blog. I am very grateful. I try to answer all comments and view the art. I hope I don’t leave anyone out. Thanks once again.

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